The Great Chillout - "Poker Face Remix"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Running good, playing better

I'm on my a-game right now.

I think it qualifies as a heater now and it couldn't have been more on time. Ten day winning streak and I hope to keep it going... forever. Yeah, Bobby's Room here I come. This is how it works right?

It's funny how winning or success breeds more success (winning) and actually does motivate me to get other shit done in life. In this case I'm talking music. I'm ready to get some business done.

Back to the poker, I've been running good but playing good. I would say almost as good as I've ever played. Everyone at my casino tells me that I'm running good and I like that. I like for people to tell me how lucky I am. Because that means I'm winning. To the outside eye, the guy with all the chips is always the luck box. To me, it's the guy who's willing to push a guy off his AQ with shit on a Axx flop when it can be done. And fold it when it can't be done.

There's two things that I've really been trying to work on the past month:

1) Isolating the bad players, or isolating anyone for that matter. This means a lot of re-raising pre-flop with a wide range of hands. I've done it with K2, JT, etc. if I feel like the original raiser could be outplayed.

2) Playing position against good players. This seems quite obvious but it makes a huge difference in the long run and I think it's easy to fall into early position traps and shitty situations with suited connectors, flush draws, top pair, etc. I'm trying to minimize my early position situations.

This weekend has been a good weekend as my guy big time aka fake drake is in town for the weekend from Wisconsin.

P.S. if you like hip hop, check out the new song I put up top. It goes.

Four Years.

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