The Great Chillout - "Poker Face Remix"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Email to my sister's friend...

Just wrote this to a friend of my sister's who asked me about going pro....

Hey Santiago..

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to you. To be honest right now I'm in a huge downswing and I guess it's a good time to let you know about the bad side of playing professional poker.

I haven't really expressed this to anyone but the hardest part about what I'm going through right now is the fact that I told my family and friends that I'm a "good" poker player and that they can believe in me. Now everytime I have kings, someone has aces, if I have a set, someone has a higher set. Anytime I'm in a big pot, I find a way to lose.

And to be honest the hardest thing is not the money. Obviously losing money at a constant rate is terrible, but the hardest thing is acknowledging that I'm failing at what I told everyone I could do. It's very hard to deal with.

I'm not sure what type of person you are or what type of lifestyle you live, but money management is the key to being a successful professional poker player. This is something that I've failed miserably at.

When I have a session where I win a lot of money, or if I'm on a heater, I will spend the money like it's nothing. Then when I go through downswings I think about all the ridiculous things I spent money on and just get pissed at myself.

So I would say if you feel like you can manage the money when you are doing well, go for it. I'm definitely glad that I tried professional poker and I've definitely been a winning player since I started, but I've failed to manage my bankroll properly and now I'm facing some major decisions about what to do with my future.

That being said, I've traveled more than I ever have the last year because of the freedom that poker gives me. I've met hundreds of great people through poker and had some truly amazing experiences through poker.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Anonymous said...

man if that aint the truth.... gotta set rules ... what percentage of every winning session you add to your bankroll... it is definately the toughest part

Anonymous said...

what u just wrote about failing to show others you can do it being more important than doing it is def what i have been struggling with myself, ur 100000% right it hurts more that others have the perception of you failing even though it should not matter so much, look man writing this blog could be the key to plugging ur leaks the next time around and this entry in specific has to hit home for u keep it in mind its easy to lose track of things when they are going well but just remember this post next time u get something going someone once told me "heaven and hell is on earth you could be walking on the clouds one day and be shit outta luck the next" if anything this rings true for a poker player more than ever, anyway if u found my insight anywhere near helpful id love to have a chat with you ill check up on here again to see if you reply let me know

Anonymous said...

tell the dude not to be a LAGtard

AppleSeed2082 said...

Very Insightful letter

thanks for sharing

4years said...

appreciate all the comments.. sorry for the late response.. i wrote this entry at a time when I was really down and not in the right mindframe to reply .. or just wasn't up to it. thanks for the support. now that things are going a bit better i'm trying to stay more grounded. good luck.