The Great Chillout - "Poker Face Remix"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Back to the REAL reality

Won $600 last night in an 11 hour marathon session. Basically it went like this:

Lost $750 on a $200 while waiting for the $400 game.

Won $755 on the $400 game before it broke.

Won $550 on a $200 game before it broke.

Won $50 on a $200 game before I left at 6 a.m.

I probably tip about $50 during the course of a session like this to floormen, waitresses and porters. Kind of sucks but it's part of the routine.

Sat with a really nice and way too conversational middle-aged asian dude who apparently usually plays MUCH bigger games and is buddies with Phil Laak. I got so damn tired of hearing him tell his stories about how great Phil Laak is and how sick of a player he is. I wanted to clown him and do some bigger name dropping but I didn't, I just listened to the stories of how awesome Phil Laak is.

One story is that apparently before he even played poker Laak was a big motorcycle guy and was riding on some narrow road and was about to crash into a truck head-on. He knew he had no time to get out of the way so "he did a hand stand on the handle bars, did a flip over the car and landed on his feet running." This guy was dead serious when he told this story.

Honestly last night was such a grind that when I was done it felt like a losing session. I think that's a good thing.

BR is now at $8615.


The D.E.F.I. said...

Was he talking about Phil Laak or Chuck Norris? lol.

vtn said...


TJ said...

LOL@Phil Laak living in the Matrix