The Great Chillout - "Poker Face Remix"

Monday, March 23, 2009


"206" seems to be my number today. I checked one of my bracket standings (the only one out of four that I even have a hope of winning) and I was in first place with a score of 206. In that one I have 13/16 of the remaining teams including Arizona. I had USC and Washington in there as well so I was unhappy about them losing (as well as being a fan of both teams).

Then my doc calls me and tells me that my cholesterol level is 206, which is high. Time to cut down on the fats and salts and increase the exercise. GL to me on that one. I'm pretty infamous for eating horrendously (horrendous is two levels worse than horrible with horrid being the middle level for those that don't know).

And the kicker? I lost 10x206 at the poker table on Saturday. If you're any good at math, that's Pretty Shitty (not to be confused with Pretty Ricky, not sure which is worse in this case).

I'll get around to updating my numbers when I have a few minutes to add them up, but I'm definitely down for the month of March, probably down around 1k-2k this month.

Hope everyone else is doing better than that.

Peace, 4 years!

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