The Great Chillout - "Poker Face Remix"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm in the Player of the Year race

However this was the most frustrating table EVER. I was 2nd in chips when we were down to five. I have two donks in it and two nits. Easy picking for me.

We decide to chop it and I'm due $12k when the worst player (obviously the guy who ended up winning it) says he wants $500 from everyone to chop. All of us are like "pffft you're the fish here and you want money from us?" so we don't chop. I double him up on a bad call by me, then when I'm about 11x the big blind I move in with ace high and he calls me with 6-7 from the small blind and makes two pair, gg me.

Ugh. The upside of this is that I'm not quite the tournament donk that I thought I was (0-2 in tournament cashes this year), although to be honest I should have easily won this tournament when it was 6/5 handed.

(P.S. the POY race statement was a joke for those that missed the sarcasm)

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